Thursday, December 16, 2010

The snow, it came back!

The very day that the last traces of the snow finally melted here it all starts over again! It's not too bad yet but I'd put money on there being more to come. I took a couple of snowfall videos for Twitter earlier and I'm going to re-post them here for lack of a more interesting topic this evening. Let talk about the weather! There's about three hours in between the two videos.

Video 1 - It starts

Video 2 - Not stopped yet

1 comment:

  1. Nice videos! But oh my goodness, here we go again. You've had much more than we have, ours didn't stick, and now it's just gone very cold and icy. The forecast is pretty bad for days to come - will we make it to Suffolk, even? Hope it doesn't cause as many problems for you as the last lot did, anyway.
    I saw your nice trailer links but didn't have time to watch them - didn't know there was going to be a new POTC, but without Orlando Bloom, this not so good. Who will Jack's compass point to? (heh heh)
