The first book (Revelation) is set years before Mass Effect 1. The second book (Ascension) is set in between Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2. However I didn't read either book until after I'd completed Mass Effect 2. This book is set in between Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Of course ME3 isn't out yet and won't be for a couple of years yet. So while the first two books had a 'filling the blanks' kind of feel this one had more of a 'hints of things to come' vibe.
The style of the writing and the story is unchanged and still feels like a part of the overall universe. It was great to see Anderson back to the forefront this time around. After being a big part of book one his presence was missed in the second one. We also get some interesting information about the nature of the Omega space station but I'll avoid mentioning anything more spoilery.
I'm not aware of any plans for more books in this series but I hope there are at some point. I suppose that won't happen until after Mass Effect 3 is released. In the meantime suppose I should look in to the comics range.
After finishing this for a while I wasn't sure what I was going to read next. Then I remembered I do have a couple of things waiting, it's just they're the old fashioned print on paper sort! I'm getting very used to my Kindle now.
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