Friday, December 31, 2010


Looking back at 2010 I'd have to say it was mostly disappointing. There were definitely highlights, I started this blog for example. However overall I think there were more failures than successes. I've let work get on top of me and missed many deadlines. I've not kept in touch with people nearly as much as I could. I've let myself get even more out of shape than I've been in the past. Many times I've attempted to get out of the rut I've been in but have never entirely succeeded. Here's hoping 2011 is an improvement, but more on that another day.

One thing I have really enjoyed this year has been editing Moments of Gaming. It's fun to do despite the fact that very few people watch it. So I've been thinking about other video projects I could do. I'll still do MOG for a while I think but I'm not sure about it's long term potential, not enough ratings, I may have to cancel it! LOL.

In the meantime I've changed my mind on the concept of video blogging. At first I wrote I didn't think I'd be very good at it. Then as I watched more I decided that I couldn't say that for sure until I actually tried it. So this afternoon I recorded myself talking about some stuff and then edited it. I almost didn't post it but in the end decided that was just the standard, creator not liking their own work. So in addition to my main Slayweb channel, Life Of Doon now has it's own separate You Tube channel which you can find here:

Whether I make it a thing is still to be decided.

1 comment:

  1. This is the good thing about having New Years, isn't it - we all make mistakes and disappoint ourselves, but we can then leave them all behind in the old year and start again with a clean sheet.
    (I am promising myself that this year I will get more writing done!)
    Your MOGs (or should that be MsOG?) are really good, and I think you're getting really skilful at editing. They've been interesting to watch, as I know they were to create. It's a lot of work, though, and you probably don't want to turn something that's fun into a chore, something you feel you have to do. This happens rather a lot online, I find.
    I just watched your video blog, I thought that was a good one for a first attempt, and I think it is pretty brave actually, and not an easy thing to do at all. Good for you. I can see the appeal, it's like face to face contact, very pleasant in a world of typed messages. Whatever you decide to do, start or carry on with in 2011, I wish you the best of luck.
