Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Episode four of Dragon Age: Redemption has just been posted so I thought I'd make another quick post about it. We're already two thirds of the way though after all. I've been enjoying it a lot so far. However I do have one issue. It kinda feels like not a lot has actually happened. The sets, locations, costumes, makeup, actors are all great. The problem is the story feels like it's barely gotten past the introduction and there is only to episodes left. It seems like I'm going to be left wanting more, but no more has been announced. I guess that's the one problem with low budget web based shows. It's the same with The Guild, Mortal Kombat or SOLO for example, on one side they're fun and creative. Being outside the traditional studio system lets them try new things, but the lower budgets makes it feel like there is never quite enough of it. Still as the format gets more and more popular I guess that means there is still hope for the future.

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