Friday, June 10, 2011

E3 2011 Day 3

And so E3 comes to an end for another year. More Live cam watching today of course but not a lot more to learn about. I did briefly notice that Trine 2 is on the way which is cool. Although I should finish playing Trine first. Also I heard that Torchlight 2 was at the show and playable which is good news. Hopefully that means it will be coming soon.

Overall there wasn't a whole lot of stunning announcements this year. Most of the games shown I already knew about, particularly the ones I actually intend to buy. The most impressive looking game, that I didn't already know was coming, would be the new Tomb Raider.

People also like to say whose press briefing was the best. My vote this year goes to EA. Sony were probably better in terms of showmanship, but EA simply had a better line up of games to show.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, look at all the people there! I do hope you get to go one day. Thanks for the interesting reports, because it is so good to know what interests you.
