Monday, September 13, 2010

New TV

There's still a couple of weeks before the majority of new the new seasons begin and I still don't know exactly what I'll be watching other than SGU and House. Two things that have had a early season and just finished though are Futurama and True Blood. Admittedly to very different style programmes but both I enjoy. I was just watching the finale of True Blood. It was a good episode but not as much as last year. Now that there's no Lost I think it's House I'm looking forward to the most. Now though it's time for a bit of UK TV and the latest episode of Dragons' Den.

1 comment:

  1. You had better give me a tip when House and SGU start again, I know someone who likes those but never gets past the puzzle page in the Radio Times, I think you know who I mean, heh heh.
    Me, I was having my excitement last weekend, 'cos Merlin started again - a two-parter, no fair, I want to know what happens!
