Friday, August 26, 2011


A new experience, although not a particularly pleasant one. It was one of those quiet moments late at night, you're reading something on the Internet and you're sat completely still. The only thing moving is your scroll wheel finger. There's a little tickle on your arm, you presume it's a fly and move your hand to brush it off. It is at this point you discover that it's actually a hornet which doesn't like to be touched. Next thing you're stood bolt upright with a sharp pain in your finger wondering what just transpired. It takes a moment but you realize that you've just been stung.

In 32 years I don't recall having been stung before. Although probably not the worse thing that could happen, I could easily go another 32 years with out it happening again. That's a lot of pain to be concentrated in one small place. Hornets are the worse of that type of sting according to the Internet. At least I had ice handy, would have been worse without that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor you! Stings hurt a lot more than people who haven't been stung think, and a hornet is definitely worse than wasps and bees. And a finger is a horrible place to be stung, 'cos of all the nerve endings. Sending hugs and sympathy xxx
