Sunday, August 7, 2011

Finding Music

I've said it before but as it's what I've been up to this afternoon that's all I have to talk about now. Sometimes it's really hard to find the right music to go with a video. When you've got a specific idea and feel in mind it can be tricky to find the correct match when browsing through the creative commons music selections. I've still not found anything I'm happy with for this current project. Sometimes I wish I could compose my own music, but even though I can play some instruments a little I proved a long time ago that I wasn't good at composition. Also that would be another entire hobby itself and my time is full enough as it is. I need one or two tracks totalling a play time around 10 minutes that build to something powerful with a slightly eastern feel. Is that too much to ask?


  1. I suggest collaboration. As you say, you have too much to do already, but there is someone in Edgeley who likes composing and spends far too much time watching football. Why not email a request?

  2. I have actually considered that in the past and may do so one day. However a new composition takes time and this particular project I was hoping to finish quickly and I think I've found the right tracks now. I'll save that call for a bigger project in the future.
