Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Future of MoG

I'm thinking that it is time for a change when it come to Moments of Gaming. I've been making these videos for a while now and it would take over two and a half hours to watch them all in one go. Looking back at my favourite videos it's the ones with a specific theme which turned out the best. There was the War Never Changes video (August 2010), there was the BioWare special (September 2010), there was the Mass Effect 2 video and now I've just done the Jade Empire one.

I really enjoyed doing the Jade Empire video. I took my time to find some good music and then took my time with the editing. That gave me chance to make sure all the cuts were in good place and added in a couple of fancier screen splits as well.

With a proper theme in mind it gives the videos much more cohesion. I've enjoyed what I've done so far but not a lot of people really watch them. I know from my stats that no-one is subscribed and waiting for each new video. The majority of my viewers come from general searches not from any of the links I post around the Internet.

So I've decided I'm going to change the format a little, drop the monthly aspect and do some more of these special videos. That means the schedule isn't going to be monthly any more and will be much more erratic. Hopefully that will mean even better videos in the future, although there will probably be less.

I hope that this can take my editing to a new level. Some of the more recent entries have been squeezed in to just an afternoon and it was verging on becoming a chore.

1 comment:

  1. It's all too easy for things that started off as fun to become a chore. I think this is a wise move, because it will give you the chance to showcase your skill to better effect and you'll be happier because you'll be more proud of the results - and fewer, better ones are likely to attract more attention and richly-deserved notice.
