Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pirate Pond

Like most of the second stories in a Doctor Who season tonight's episode was fun and entertaining but didn't got much beyond that. After the big opening there is always a smaller/cheaper episode. A step up from last week but I suspect it will be quickly surpassed as the season progresses. Couple of spoilers if you read any further. The one thing that seemed a little odd is that Rory seemed to be much better at resisting the Siren than anyone else who wasn't a regular cast member. Of course he then managed to die yet again! Although only briefly today. I know they're trying to keep the storyline going throughout the season but the epilogue with the repeated flash of the Doctor's death and Amy's possible pregnancy felt a bit unnecessary. It was only last week, I've not forgotten! Trailer for next week looks good. Ood!

1 comment:

  1. I liked the bit where the Doctor and the Captain were talking about ships, but Amy making like Errol Flynn was a big yawn and I thought the explanations were a bit weird. But it's very interesting that space ships in fiction, not real life rockets like Apollo, are seen as ships, not flying things, and use navy terminology not air force. That was a stroke of genius, IMHO. Did Star Trek start that, I wonder?
