Tuesday, August 17, 2010

SC2 Multiplayer & Maps

A couple of nights ago a friend and I decided to see how we would fair as a team in the StarCraft II 2v2 league. Playing against humans rather than AI is very different (as humans are less predictable) and it's a highly competitive world. However to our pleasant surprise we were not completely trounced and even won some games. Admittedly that was only the practice league and we're not ranked yet but it gave us hope that we could be in the future! I doubt we'll be able to get in to the Diamond league but we might manage a decent place in Silver or Gold.

Also for the first time yesterday I had a look at the Map Editing software for the game. There are some parts of it that seem a little unintuitive but it can't be that bad if that's what Blizzard made the game with. I probably just need some more time with it to get used to it. I've seen some complaints that the in-game system for playing custom maps is not particularly good, but hopefully they'll have patched that before I finish anything.

View my StarCraft II profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/468115/1/Slayster/matches

1 comment:

  1. Yay, lots of wins! That's brilliant, well done!
