Friday, March 4, 2011

One Year

It's been one year since I first created this blog and it still amazes me that I've kept up with it and posted something every day for an entire year. Admittedly some of those posts have been little more than a sentence but I like to think there has been some good stuff too. When I first started I had no idea what it would be about or where it would go. It came out of a desire to not spend so many unproductive hours on the Internet and to give something back instead. It seems to have worked quite well. According to the Blogger stats I've not got many regular readers but I'm still enjoying the process. It seems most of the random visitors I get find me through Google Image Searches matching one of the images on the posts, screenshots from Lair of the Shadow Broker are the most popular.

I think that I've got in to a flow with this now and so I'll be continuing for the foreseeable future. I try various other things but I think this blog is always going to be at the core of everything. I don't have anything else to say about this anniversary, I should have probably planned something special, perhaps next year.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to the Blog! Can't believe a whole year has gone, that's amazing. Congratulations on never missing a day. As a regular reader, if I may be slightly mushy for once, may I say that this blog has given me a greater insight into the thoughtful, intelligent, original and observant mind of its writer. Reading it has been a great pleasure, and I shall continue to do so.
