Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Logo

As you can see from Bob's History it's been seven years since I did any real game development under the name Slayer Software and it's been ten years since anything was released. The tests are mostly over and I'm now planning to start on my first real HTML5 Canvas project. I'm going to begin with a brand new episode of Bob's Adventures. If you look at the history page you'll see that episodes 1 & 2 were among the first games I ever released so it seemed like a fitting place for the fresh start. The game play I have planned will be similar to episode 2 but on a much larger scale. While I was thinking about that I realized that Slayer Software could really do with an updated logo or at least a high res re-draw of one of the old ones. At which point I opened Photoshop and started experimenting. There were only two concepts I wanted to keep from the past. The first is that it use a single 'S' for both Slayer & Software and the second is that it primarily be red. I've got seven variants at the moment and I'm undecided. So I thought I would post them for opinions. I could tell you which I am learning towards but I don't want to influence opinions. Let me know which you like.


  1. It's interesting that you'd both choose that one as it's the one which is based on an old version of the logo:

  2. I like all three where the red is used to outline black letters, but I agree with Ian and PC, I like the top one best. The only one I don't like is the slopy one, fourth one down, where I think the capital S gets lost and disconnected from the rest of the letters.
    Glad to hear that Slayer Software is operational again!
