The first volume is called Redemption and takes place in between the games Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2. Well I suppose technically it takes please between the prologue to Mass Effect 2 and the rest of the game. I read the first issue some time ago as a special mini version came with the collector's edition of the game and while it was interesting it didn't inspire me to immediately go out and buy the rest. At the time I was far more interested in playing the game but now it felt like time to catch up on some things. The problem is most of this story was explained (although not shown) during the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC as that served as an epilogue to the story here of how Liara retrieved Shepard's body for Cerberus. So for that reason there were not many surprises here. Still it was nice to see and the artwork was excellent, great care had been taken there. I'm glad I read it, but really it's only for the die-hard Mass Effect fan.
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