Alpha Protocol

Starcraft II

Two games which are slated for the forth quarter are Fallout: New Vegas and Portal 2. A new full length Portal game rather than just a bonus should be great and a new addition to the Fallout universe is looking excellent based on the latest previews.
Civilization V is due at some point in 2010, no other details are available to date. I've played and enjoyed many hours of the previous four installments. I'll be getting this on the release day without question and I'll probably not get much sleep. I suffer a lot from "Just one more turn" syndrome.
Another one with a date of just 2010 at the moment is Star Wars: The Old Republic. A new Star Wars MMO from BioWare and sequal to Knights of the Old Republic. This is probably the first MMO that might have the power to take the top spot from WoW. Everything sounds great about this game so far I just hope they can pull if off.
That's it unless Diablo III finally gets a date, that's just TBA right now and of course there's Dragon Age II but that's not planned to be out until February 2011.
It sounds as if you will be in for a busy year, with not much sleep. It's a good job they're not all coming out at once!