I've been looking forward to this game for a while and now a
collector's edition version has been announced which will be available for pre-order soon. The collector's edition of Fallout 3 was great but this one looks like it might be even better. I don't know why I like collector's editions really but I always get them for games I know I'm going to like. Neverwinter Nights 2, Spore, Command & Conquer 3, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age, I've got them all and more. It's all a bit silly really as most of the extras like art books and behind the scenes DVDs you'll only ever look at once. The things with the most longevity are the figures, I've still got my Fallout 3 Vault-Tec bobble head and my Neverwinter Nights 2 Mountain Troll on display.
It sounds daft but you like collector's editions because you are a collector. It's a state of mind, and if you've got it you can't help it. Doesn't matter if it's priceless works of art, or computer games or beer mats, you all share this special feeling for collecting. At least the things you collect are useful, ie you can play them - there was this chap who collected old packets and tins and turned his spare bedroom into an old-fashioned shop. True story, saw a photo of it in the paper.