After a twenty year break following Day of the Dead in 1985 in 2005 we finally got a fourth installment to the Dead series, Land of the Dead. Other than the Night of the Living Dead remake in 1990 I don't know what George A Romero was up to during that time, his Wikipedia entry is pretty empty for that period. So in Land of the Dead it's now been three years since the zombies appeared and things have settled somewhat. Zombies inhabit most of the world and humans are bundled together in various defensible outposts. For this film we're in a corner of Pittsburgh surrounded by a river on two sides and an electric fence on the others. As I've said before, the scope of each Dead film increases each time however by this point we're dealing with a large town and it begins to feel a bit too big I think. It begins to feel like they're too safe in the walled off city and there's not a lot to worry about. Of course by the end of the film that turns out to not be the case but that's mainly due to human greed and stupidity than the zombie threat. Still the film looks pretty good it does have the biggest budget of the series after all as it was the first to have major studio backing. It's possible that was part of the problem either by attempting to go to big or from studio interference. The end result isn't awful but it's nowhere as good as the original three films. Sometimes it comes off as more of a gory action film than a horror film.
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