That leaves me with games as the best option again. In particular, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I've played nearly all of the Star Wars games (for PC) over the years, but this one has always stood out as favourite (closely followed by X-Wing vs Tie Fighter). I've been replaying it again recently after picking it up in the Steam january sale. I'm about half way though it and still enjoying it despite the fact I've played it many times before. They got the feel of the Star Wars universe almost perfect in this game both in the tone of the characters and the look of the worlds. The graphics still look good (even for a 7 year old game) and it's got a good story which is well balanced with the combat. Oldly though I've never played the sequel which is something I'm going to have to fix before the new MMO comes out. Though I am aware that the second is generally not considered as good as the first, hopefully it won't be too disappointing.
I am enjoying this blog. You're a really good reviewer, and I feel as if I am getting an insight into a world I know nothing about. It is a world that means a lot to you - I don't think I realised quite how much - and so for that reason even more interesting.