I have fond memories of this film, not because it's any good but because of the circumstances under which I first saw it. It was the first time I'd been away on holiday with just friends rather than family or school. We decided we'd see this film on one rainy evening. We all thought it was terrible but it was still a fun experience and because of that I can't completely hate on this film like a lot of people do and there's quite a lot to hate. The film starts without messing about, bat signal goes out and the heroes race to the action. No time is spent till later introducing any of the characters. Then after saving all that time they waste it later with a pointless motorbike race. The design of the batmobile has been getting sillier and sillier over the films and this one with it's glowing neon bits is the worst. The film is packed to the brim with corny lines ("lets kick some ice!" lol) it's just missing a few ka-pows and it could an Adam West Batman. Gratuitous Bat-Butt shots, what's with those? Though I have to admit Alica Silverstone's is quite nice, certainly more so than Clooney's. On the subject of George Clooney, I just don't think he works well as Batman or even Bruce Wayne for that matter. To me he'll always be Doug Ross which is a bit of a hindrance. Still it's all kind of entertaining in a "So bad it's good" sort of way.
I liked reading about this happy memory. :)