I decided to watch Batman last night. It's been a long time since I've seen this film. Back when this first came out in 1989 I'll have only been 10 so I think this could well have been my first exposure to Batman. I remember there were posters on bus stops of just the bat logo but I couldn't see the negative image. I only saw the gold part and thought it was some kind of mouth! I don't think I'll have actually seen it at the cinema at the time as I was only 10 and the film was rated 12. Watching the film now it definitely shows its age. Some hand draw animated effects and model shots stick out to me compared to films today. Also Vicky Vale's ginormous 80s glasses don't help! I'd forgotten that Billy Dee Williams was in it, though his part is fairly minor still cool to see. One thing that isn't dated is the score. Danny Elfman's music is still great especially the opening theme. Tonight I'll continue with Batman Returns.
1989, it was really that long ago? Yes, I should think it probably was your first exposure to Batman, then. Speaking as one for whom Batman will always be Adam West, I do remember being baffled as to why anyone would bring that back, not realising then what a dark, elegant thing they would make of it.