As a kid I was never really into the whole comic book thing. Looking back I'm not entirely sure why, I was totally the sort you'd expect to be. I even frequented the shops, but it was always for other things, dice and role-playing stuff or trading cards. It's probably a good thing really otherwise I'd probably have hundreds of them by now and no place left to store them. Joss Whedon changed all that with Fray. As a hugh fan of Buffy and a big sci-fi nerd the story of a future slayer was pretty much irresistible. I've read quite a lot of comics since then but I have to admit they were mostly scans. However that's something I plan to change, I just picked up a copy of the graphic novel version of Fray to start with. I'd forgotten how good it was, awesome artwork along with a great story, I kinda wish there was more. I'll have to settle for catching up with Buffy season 8 instead!
I wonder if teenage comic book fans still enjoy them as adults, and if so, if it's for the same reasons? Maybe some youngsters enjoy a quick fix, fast-paced story, but for some youngsters it's just a bit too fast and superficial. But perhaps when you're a bit older, you get a growing appreciation of the skill involved in the artwork and the succinct story-telling. Who knows? Just some random ponderings in response to your interesting piece!