Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Predators and Prey

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Blu-ray vs BD vs Giraffes

Monday, March 29, 2010
End of an Era

Dark Chest of Wonders
Over the Hills and Far Away
Wish I Had an Angel
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Time of Your Life

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wolves at the Gate

Friday, March 26, 2010
I want to be a cyborg!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
My first Blu-ray

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010
Thoughts on Awakening

Sunday, March 21, 2010
House of Suns

Saturday, March 20, 2010
London Zoo

Here's a load of photos
Friday, March 19, 2010
Dragon Age: Awakening

Thursday, March 18, 2010
No Future For You

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Batman & Robin

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Long Way Home

Monday, March 15, 2010
Random Links
Blue Wizard Needs Food
Huge LOLs! There's some other great stuff in the gallery too.
Dragon Age 2 Coming
We all new Dragon Age 2 would be coming at some point, but now we have date! February 1st 2011. That's a long way off but at least Awakenings is out this week which should keep me entertained for a while.
How much is your Steam account worth?
Oh dear, £358.69 is quite a lot of money! Though to be honest I'd expected it to be higher. Also I have to point out that at least half of those games were bought while they were on offer.
Game design a lot like dealing drugs
I've always enjoyed Will Wright's games. I've played a lot of Sim City, The Sims and Spore. It's a shame Spore didn't quite live up to the grand expectations he'd imparted in all the pre-launch publicity. Still I'm sure I'll try whatever he comes up with next.
Huge LOLs! There's some other great stuff in the gallery too.
Dragon Age 2 Coming
We all new Dragon Age 2 would be coming at some point, but now we have date! February 1st 2011. That's a long way off but at least Awakenings is out this week which should keep me entertained for a while.
How much is your Steam account worth?
Oh dear, £358.69 is quite a lot of money! Though to be honest I'd expected it to be higher. Also I have to point out that at least half of those games were bought while they were on offer.
Game design a lot like dealing drugs
I've always enjoyed Will Wright's games. I've played a lot of Sim City, The Sims and Spore. It's a shame Spore didn't quite live up to the grand expectations he'd imparted in all the pre-launch publicity. Still I'm sure I'll try whatever he comes up with next.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Batman Forever

Friday, March 12, 2010
Batman Returns

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sim City

Edit to add: Patch did help performance a little, but also made the game crash. My first Blue Screen of Death with Windows 7 in fact! Crash could have been unrelated to the patch but you can never know for sure with these things. Either way my random need for some Sim City has mostly gone now.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Tron Legacy

I'd not really been following the production of this other than seeing the older teaser trailer, but I'm definately looking forward to this now. People are all "Yay! Jeff Bridges" after the oscars, but I'm more excited to see Bruce Boxleitner. Of course it's the Babylon 5 fan in me that thinks that.
Having to wait until december sucks though and it may even be longer until the UK release. I might just have to re-watch the original later on.
Monolith should put the Tron 2.0 game up on Steam to cash in on the new buzz. I'd play it again. I never did complete it the first time around and I don't have a copy anymore.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Random Links
82nd Annual Academy Awards
I don't remember ever hearing of The Hurt Locker before now, I should probably check it out. I thought Inglourious Basterds might just win, I never really thought that a sci-fi film could win although my personal favorite of the year was District 9. No surprise that Avatar won best visual effects. Nice to see Star Trek get one too, even if it was only for makeup.
Ubisoft DRM Servers Go Down
That's a laugh! Ubisoft are going to take a huge hit from this. I already wasn't planning on playing Assassins Creed 2 as it's not really the sort of game I usually play and doesn't help its cause at all. Hopefully other game companies will learn that this is not the way forward. I heard rumours that some people were organising a DDoS attack, I'd bet that's what's happening.
Iron Man 2 Trailer
Looks pretty awesome, looking forward to that.
I don't remember ever hearing of The Hurt Locker before now, I should probably check it out. I thought Inglourious Basterds might just win, I never really thought that a sci-fi film could win although my personal favorite of the year was District 9. No surprise that Avatar won best visual effects. Nice to see Star Trek get one too, even if it was only for makeup.
Ubisoft DRM Servers Go Down
That's a laugh! Ubisoft are going to take a huge hit from this. I already wasn't planning on playing Assassins Creed 2 as it's not really the sort of game I usually play and doesn't help its cause at all. Hopefully other game companies will learn that this is not the way forward. I heard rumours that some people were organising a DDoS attack, I'd bet that's what's happening.
Iron Man 2 Trailer
Looks pretty awesome, looking forward to that.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Knights of the Old Republic

That leaves me with games as the best option again. In particular, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I've played nearly all of the Star Wars games (for PC) over the years, but this one has always stood out as favourite (closely followed by X-Wing vs Tie Fighter). I've been replaying it again recently after picking it up in the Steam january sale. I'm about half way though it and still enjoying it despite the fact I've played it many times before. They got the feel of the Star Wars universe almost perfect in this game both in the tone of the characters and the look of the worlds. The graphics still look good (even for a 7 year old game) and it's got a good story which is well balanced with the combat. Oldly though I've never played the sequel which is something I'm going to have to fix before the new MMO comes out. Though I am aware that the second is generally not considered as good as the first, hopefully it won't be too disappointing.
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010
More on Supreme Commander 2

I've had a brief look at the Steam forums for the game and I see there are quite a lot of people complaining that the game has been over-simplified too much so far that it doesn't feel like Supreme Commander anymore. Now while I'll agree there are differences I don't think it's quite as drastic as some people are making out. Though I guess it is usually the minority who are the most vocal (especially on web forums!).
The main thing that struck me so far was how much extra "story" there is in the single player campaign. I suppose that's the Square Enix infuence, but the commander ringing his wife seemed a bit out of place. I thought I was supposed to be the commander?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Started this on a bit of a random whim and now I don't really know what to write on it! I suppose it doesn't really matter as it's likely that no-one will read it. If I manage to keep this up it will probably end up being about the games I've played and the books I've read as they're the things that take up the most of my time, other than work of course. So I guess I'll start with that and the release of Supreme Commander 2 tomorrow. Like usual when you pre-order online my copy arrived a day early. Unfortunatly this wasn't a bonus for a change. I hadn't realized that it uses Steam for online authentication, so I can't play it until Steam says I can despite the fact I've got the disc here on my desk. Oh well, just a minor disappointment really, the game will apparently unlock in approximately 8 hours. I should probably do something useful in the meantime.
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