As a sci-fi loving Brit there's only one thing I can post about this evening, new Doctor Who! I'll come right out up front and say I thought it was great. I had my concerns about Matt Smith as the eleventh doctor but to be honest I'd had similar thoughts back when David Tennant started, same as I had done when Paul McGann took over. It's just a gut reaction to change and once we've had a few episodes with Matt Smith I'm sure he'll settle in nicely. The main reason I'm confident about this is Steven Moffat new executive producer and head writer. He's already written some of the best episodes in the new generation of the programme and in all the interviews and behind the scenes stuff he just seems like a man who knows what he's talking about, both about Doctor Who and life in general. I think the series is in good hands. When I first saw the new logo at the end of the Christmas special I wasn't sure I liked it, but now it's back after a break I've changed my mind, I do quite like it actually. It reminds me of the eighties version particularly from Sylvester McCoy's time and of course he'll always be my Doctor. Amy Pond seems like she'll be a great companion, Karen Gillan did a good job as did Caitlin Blackwood (The young version). The one thing I wasn't so sure about was the new theme. I think I need to hear it again, but my first impression was not so good. There's a copy on the
BBC website, actually that sounds better than I remember. Updated TARDIS also looks great for the most part, with the exception of the centre console to me some parts of that looked a bit silly. Definitely still looking forward to the next one though.
Agree with you about gut reaction to change - new things always take some getting used to - hate regenerations, just when I've got used to the old one.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it too - all the elements nicely balanced, nice new logo - didn't like the centre console, either. Retro style a silly joke that will quickly get tired.
Didn't like annoying girly companion, but then I never do. Jamie was the best. I wanted Bernard Cribbins, dammit! It's a funny thing, but I can buy aliens that shape-change, and space ships in the sky, but not a girl from a family rich enough to own that amazing house working as a kissagram girl, especially when she lives in a small village, half an hour from nearest city and doesn't have a car. That so didn't work, and gave the impression of being pulled together in a meeting of bright young creative types rather than a character created by a single writer. Wsn't totally convinced by a small village cottage hospital having a ward full of coma patients, either. But hey, it was good. It was Doctor Who!