There are only a few films I've bought without having seen them in some way beforehand other than trailers. Jennifer's Body is one of those. I somehow knew the combination of ritual sacrifice and teen girls eating people would make a good film and in my opinion it did. It was fun, entertaining & creepy, while also being well made. A lot of people seem to be ripping on Megan Fox's acting abilities when you read up on this film. For me I don't see a problem with it though I'm not really a good judge of acting ability. I see it like this, there's a line and if you go below it the acting is so bad it takes you out of the film but if you're above it then it's fine. I don't really see the levels. Megan Fox is above the line as far as I'm concerned therefore she can act. Amanda Seyfried is good too as best friend to Megan Fox's character and does a great creepy look. I've not heard of her before, although IMDb tells me she was in an episode of House, I don't remember that. Writer Diablo Cody hasn't done a lot before but I did see and enjoy Juno which is another reason I was willing to buy this without seeing it first. For a second film this is quite a change in genre, could be interesting to see what comes next. Director Karyn Kusama was a complete unknown to me till today. Very few credits to her name but one that I've seen, Æon Flux which while entertaining enough was nothing special really. So it seems this is a film from lots of people still early in their careers. Hopefully the bad press this film got won't kill all their prospects. Only 43% on the Tomatometer so there are others like me that enjoyed it, probably depends on what you're looking for in the film. Dark comedy with suspense and horror is good in my book. Oh and a cameo by Lance Henriksen too, nice!
Ritual sacrifice and teen girls eating people would have made me leave this one on the shelf! Very interesting points about what makes good acting, and I know what you mean about that line, which if they go below it, it takes you out of the story. I've not seen Megan Fox in anything, but I've seen how beautiful she is, and I can well imagine that that attracts scorn in some quarters, as if she gets parts because of her looks. And that is not fair! To me, a great actor is someone you can watch in a role without ever being reminded of any other role s/he has played, and who makes you forget who they really are. Mel Gibson is always just Mel Gibson to me, and I've got a nasty feeling that Russell Crowe is the same. Can he pull off Robin Hood and make me forget Maximus? I am anxious to see! The more roles you see them in, the harder it is, so I have great respect for people I've seen loads of times, but never get reminded - Colin Farrell, of course, but also Johnny Depp and the underrated Chris Barrie.