What can I say about this film that hasn't already been said by hundreds of other critics, amazing graphics and technology but a generic story etc. This film is one of the very small number I've seen at the cinema more than once. The first time was on the release day and the cinema was only around a quarter full, too soon for the buzz to have started. It looked absolutely fantastic, even better than I'd expected it to. The 3D was great too. I know some people have complained about motion sickness or not being able to focus on what you wanted. I didn't have any problems like that. The 3D aspect was brilliantly realized in my opinion, not used as a gimmick but simply there to enhance the picture. The second time I saw it the experience wasn't as good. It was about a month later and this time the cinema was packed. Also there seemed to be something wrong with the projector, the two images making the 3D were slightly out of sync or something like that. Having seen it before I knew something was wrong, but for the people I was with it gave a bad first impression.
Now it's out on DVD and BD I've had another chance to watch it, this time in 2D. I don't actually own it yet but I have seen a copy. As a collector I won't buy a version that only contains the film and is basically just a promotion for Earth day, not when they've already announced that there will be at least two more editions. A proper special edition with extras and features is coming in November and then a 3D version next year sometime. I'll probably get the special edition for my collection. In 2D the CG still looks great but it lacks that additional wow factor, it loses the one thing that makes it stand out above others. I believe in the future the 3D effects will be the main thing that this film is remembered for. What I'm more interested in at this point is information about the technical aspects of making the film. How long did it take to render? What kind of server farms were used? What's real and what's rendered? However as there are no documentaries or features on this version those questions will have to wait.
I was so interested in reading about this when it was first mentioned in Empire - for the story. I still want to see it, but as you say, all the reviews seem to think it's just generic. It sounded like Dances with Wolves to me, but some people are saying it's more like Pocahontas. This is disappointing. However, even I couldn't miss realising that this was something big and new in production techniques, so I was very interested to read your thoughts - I might appreciate it better if I look out for the things that impressed you. Pretty sure I'll be one of the motion sickness people - that's why I didn't see it in the cinema - so I want to enjoy it in 2D first time, on big TV screen will do me. This Earth Day release will do fine, as I don't usually bother with the extras. But when they do release an edition with all the extras, I hope it's nice and technical and answers all your questions.