Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Avengers & The Justice League
As I've mentioned before I'm not actually all that knowledgeable when it comes to the world of comics. In fact everything I know about them has been picked up from second hand sources. Mostly it comes from the eighties and nineties cartoon versions and from various "pop culture" references in other TV shows and films. I may have to turn in some of my geek credentials after this but when it was first announced that Joss Whedon was going to direct The Avengers my first reaction was "What's that then?". When I hear the name Avengers my first thoughts go to Patrick Macnee & Diana Rigg but in this case that made no sense. Of course I have since found out that they are Marvel's answer to DC's Justice League, a team of their various superheroes working together in the same story.
I already knew about the Justice League and of the two teams they seem to have the most famous members. They've got Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern & Aquaman to name a few. There's been talk of a Justice League film for years now but nothing ever seems to happen. There appears to be a lack of organization in the DC universe, I mean there's only Batman who has got a current franchise going at the moment although Green Lantern is on the way. Most of my Justice League knowledge now comes from Smallville. It occurred to me while writing this post that Smallville would be a much better place to use the Justice League. They've already touched on the subject a few times. If they could just sort out the legal problems allowing Clark Kent to don the red cloak and get a young Bruce Wayne in there as well they could spin off in to a new version of the show and probably keep going for another ten years.
Now compared to the Justice League the Avengers don't feel quite as impressive to me. There's Captain America, Hulk & Thor but they have never really interested me as characters. Iron Man I like, but my only experience of him is the Robert Downey Jr. version. My favorite Marvel character has always been Spiderman but it appears for the most part he's not one of the Avengers. However Marvel do seem to be doing a lot better at adapting comics in to films than anyone else and are slowly tying all their properties together in one universe. Tony Stark has a small appearance in Hulk, Nick Fury appears in Iron Man and apparently there's some Thor information in Iron Man 2. Then there's the Thor and Captain America films both of which will be out before Avengers and will probably contain more links. Marvel creating their own film division was definitely a good idea and the fact that they're now part of the Disney empire probably helps too.
As the saying goes, Joss Whedon is my master now so I'll be sure to see The Avengers when it comes out pretty much regardless, but it's still early days so I'm not really excited yet.

As the saying goes, Joss Whedon is my master now so I'll be sure to see The Avengers when it comes out pretty much regardless, but it's still early days so I'm not really excited yet.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Photo Enhancement
Earlier I was reading an article about HDR photography and it crossed my mind that I should give it a go. I looked up what was needed and found you need multiple shots of the same place with different exposures to do it, which is not some I have lying around. It's something I'll have to consider next time I'm taking photos while out and about. What this did lead to was me messing around in Photoshop looking at some of the editing features I never usually use. Most of the time I'm just using Photoshop to slice images for websites or to create a simple arrow or a button etc. I never really do anything more advanced than that, so I took a recent photo and tried to see what I could do to enhance it while still keeping it realistic looking. Here's a few examples (click to enlarge) the first one is the unedited original.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sins of a Solar Empire

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Now it's out on DVD and BD I've had another chance to watch it, this time in 2D. I don't actually own it yet but I have seen a copy. As a collector I won't buy a version that only contains the film and is basically just a promotion for Earth day, not when they've already announced that there will be at least two more editions. A proper special edition with extras and features is coming in November and then a 3D version next year sometime. I'll probably get the special edition for my collection. In 2D the CG still looks great but it lacks that additional wow factor, it loses the one thing that makes it stand out above others. I believe in the future the 3D effects will be the main thing that this film is remembered for. What I'm more interested in at this point is information about the technical aspects of making the film. How long did it take to render? What kind of server farms were used? What's real and what's rendered? However as there are no documentaries or features on this version those questions will have to wait.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Editing Videos
Video editing is something I really enjoy, but as my nearly empty You Tube channel shows it's not something I often get a chance to do. I've got a couple of good examples online, one showing a mod for Neverwinter Nights 2 I created and another work related one for some software I wrote. I've been thinking I need a new project, my You Tube channel needs some new original content, but I don't have any good ideas yet. While I'm on the subject of You Tube let me have a quick rant about the new interface which I still don't like. It's not as organized, doesn't perform as well and it's harder to grab a video link as the address bar doesn't show the direct link anymore! It needs a lot of refinement in my opinion.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
South Park

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Upcoming Films
It occurred to me that there weren't a lot of films coming up that I was looking forward to and wasn't even sure what the summer blockbusters were going to be. I must need to find a better film news site or something because once I did some research I found there were quite a few.
There's three obvious (to me) ones that were already on my list: Iron Man 2, The A-Team and TRON Legacy. All these look like they're going to be great. Though I think at the moment only TRON Legacy has the power to get me to go to the cinema. The others I'll wait for on BD.
Then there's Robin Hood and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, two which I've been vaguely aware of but don't really know much about. I'll probably watch both at some point but I'm not hugely excited for them.
The first one that really caught my interest was Splice. A small sci-fi film which apparently did well at the Sundance Film Festival. It's got David Hewlett in too which is a plus.
How did I not know that Robert Rodriguez was making a new Predator film? For me that's huge news at least I know now. Predators is coming in July and I've not seen any promotion which seems a bit odd, maybe I just missed it somehow. It's got Danny Trejo & Laurence Fishburne and looks like it should be fun.
Obviously Christopher Nolan is now famous for rebooting the Batman franchise but some of his other films are good too such as Memento. Now he's got a new one coming out before the third Batman called Inception. A sci-fi/mystery/thriller thing which should be interesting.
Finally there's Resident Evil: Afterlife coming later in the year. I've seen any enjoyed the previous three so I expect this should be good too. Paul Anderson is back as director too.
There's three obvious (to me) ones that were already on my list: Iron Man 2, The A-Team and TRON Legacy. All these look like they're going to be great. Though I think at the moment only TRON Legacy has the power to get me to go to the cinema. The others I'll wait for on BD.
Then there's Robin Hood and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, two which I've been vaguely aware of but don't really know much about. I'll probably watch both at some point but I'm not hugely excited for them.
The first one that really caught my interest was Splice. A small sci-fi film which apparently did well at the Sundance Film Festival. It's got David Hewlett in too which is a plus.
How did I not know that Robert Rodriguez was making a new Predator film? For me that's huge news at least I know now. Predators is coming in July and I've not seen any promotion which seems a bit odd, maybe I just missed it somehow. It's got Danny Trejo & Laurence Fishburne and looks like it should be fun.
Obviously Christopher Nolan is now famous for rebooting the Batman franchise but some of his other films are good too such as Memento. Now he's got a new one coming out before the third Batman called Inception. A sci-fi/mystery/thriller thing which should be interesting.
Finally there's Resident Evil: Afterlife coming later in the year. I've seen any enjoyed the previous three so I expect this should be good too. Paul Anderson is back as director too.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Plants Vs Zombies

Monday, April 19, 2010
I'll miss the smell
Just found this article (thanks @therealcliffyb) about how Ubisoft are stopping to produce paper manuals for their new games: http://www.gaming-age.com/news/2010/4/19-25
I'll agree that this is probably a good thing for the environment. I only ever skim the manuals while a game is installing and then pretty much never look at them again. The 224 page epic Civilization IV manual is an example of going too far so I can see how much that would save. However there is one problem with this, the article begins with a question, "Do you like that new-game smell you get when first breaking the shrink wrap off of a new game and flipping through the manual?" For me the answer is most definitely yes! That's one of the best smells ever, along with petrol and freshly cut grass. Though I guess that with the increasing usage of digital distribution it won't be long before I stop buying disks altogether anyway.
I'll agree that this is probably a good thing for the environment. I only ever skim the manuals while a game is installing and then pretty much never look at them again. The 224 page epic Civilization IV manual is an example of going too far so I can see how much that would save. However there is one problem with this, the article begins with a question, "Do you like that new-game smell you get when first breaking the shrink wrap off of a new game and flipping through the manual?" For me the answer is most definitely yes! That's one of the best smells ever, along with petrol and freshly cut grass. Though I guess that with the increasing usage of digital distribution it won't be long before I stop buying disks altogether anyway.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
One more ship
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Stargate: Universe

Friday, April 16, 2010
Diabetes Week 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Butterfly Effect
Even when I'm busy with boring things like work I always try to spend at least a small amount of time in Eve, even if it's just 20 minutes asteroid mining or a quick courier mission. That means it often going to end up as my go to topic when I've got a lot on. Thanks to the passive training system you can continue to learn skill even while you're not logged in, but your character still needs some regular attention. In eight hours time I'll have all the skills to fly Amarr cruisers. Some (more hardcore) players say you shouldn't waste time cross training to learn to fly ships from races other than your own, but in a sandbox game you have to create your own goals and one of my personal goals is to own as many different types of ship as possible! Watch the video to see what Eve is like:
Join Eve here...
Join Eve here...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Another Spaceship
I'm still a bit lacking in free time and don't have much new to post about, but I want to keep my one post per day streak going. So here's another short Eve related post. In addition to the frigate and destroyer I built a couple of days ago I've now trained some more skills and built a new industrial hauler too.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
On my TV
I found myself lacking a topic for today. Lots of work over the last few days has left me with less free time and the time I have had has been used on things I've already written about. I'm still working my way through Mass Effect 2 and Just Cause 2, I've read all my comics and I've not finished my current book yet. However it occurred to me that one thing I've not written a lot about is TV. So here's a quick run down of what's been on my TV recently.
24 for me has never been the best show on TV. It's not the deepest or the most moving, but it's always been entertaining. Now they've decided to end it which is probably a good thing, to end on a high note. It has been on for eight years now after all. There's only so many times Jack Bauer can realistically save the day and we probably passed that point in season one!
House was a show I came to late. It was one of those I'd heard about and meant to try but never quite got around to. They were mid season five before I started watching it. I'm all caught up now and still enjoying it. Hugh Laurie is simply brilliant as Dr. House and the rest of the cast support him well.
This is a great murder mystery series which is not usually something I watch much. I think the biggest reason this works is Nathan Fillion as Richard Castle. He keeps it fun and interesting. It's great that he's finally managed to land a series which lasted more than one season.
If you'd told me a year ago that one of my favorite new series of the year would be about a high school glee club I would have probably just laughed. However the musical comedy angle seems to work really well and you can't help but want New Directions to win! Now Joss Whedon is lined up to direct an episode too which should be interesting.
I admit the only reason I started watched this when it began was to see if David Boreanaz could work as anyone other than Angel. It turns out that he could and I'm still enjoying the show five years later. Who would have thought crime fighting and forensic anthropology would go together so well.
Finally the big one, Lost. Now in it's final season and getting very close to the end, yet we still don't know what's going on with the island! I still enjoy all the mystery but I do hope we get a satisfying ending that makes at least some sense.
There's also some others, Doctor Who of course, V, Caprica, Flash Forward, Fringe and some I've been meaning to watch but haven't yet such as Spartacus: Blood and Sand. I'll save those for another time.






There's also some others, Doctor Who of course, V, Caprica, Flash Forward, Fringe and some I've been meaning to watch but haven't yet such as Spartacus: Blood and Sand. I'll save those for another time.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Shiny New Ships
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Top Ten RPGs
Trying to decide which was better between Mass Effect 1 and 2 made me start thinking about RPG ranking in general. So I decided to create a top ten. RPGs are the type of game I seem to play most these days and I have a huge amount of experience in them. I'll do the list in the traditional reverse format even though the top ones will probably be obvious. Also I'd like to give a shout out to Bioware, creators of five of my top ten RPGs, undoubtedly kings of the genre. For this list I consider expansion packs to be part of the original game so they don't get separate entries.
10. Diablo 2
This is the oldest game on the list. It's also probably the least story based and much more about the hack and slash. Still it's a great game which I've spent many hours on in the past, a lot of which were LAN multi player. I also replayed it more recently after Diablo 3 was announced and it can still hold it's own against the more modern games.
9. The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
I've not checked but I suspect that this game has one of the biggest explorable worlds in RPG history. From the moment you step off the ship on to the island of Vvardenfell you're free to choose what to do and where to go. So you set off in your chosen direction then later check your map, it's at this point you realise "wow! this place is huge!". Now if the damn Cliff Racers would just leave me alone!
8. Neverwinter Nights 2
I've never been particularly knowledgeable about the Forgotten Realms. I've done role playing in the past but never actual D&D. My first introduction to the world was the original Neverwinter Nights (I didn't play Baldur's Gate until later). The sequel along with it's expansions are very nice games so long as you have the hardware to run them due to demanding system requirements. A generally interesting story with varied locations but a bit too linear at times.
7. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
While the game world in Oblivion is not a big as the one in Morrowind, it's packed with a lot more detail and looks absolutely stunning (screenshots). At times it's fun just to simply walk around. The Oblivion gates can be a bit annoying sometimes unnecessarily side tracking you, but once you learn you can blitz them it's not too bad. Not quite up to the Bioware level of storytelling but the Bethesda guys come a close second.
6. Knights of the Old Republic
I already talked about this one once on this blog having replayed it recently. It's an almost perfect recreation of the Star Wars universe. Various planets to visit, fun & interesting companions and light saber battles combined with great graphics and a good story. I don't usually play a lot of MMOs but when The Old Republic is released I'll be there on day one. Although part of me still wishes they'd do KOTOR3 instead.
5. Neverwinter Nights
As I already mentioned this was my first introduction to the Forgotten Realms. I've played many hours of this game with the different roles and classes. I even did some modding for it. I also now own the D&D 3.5 source books as a reference for modding this and NWN2. A great game for it's time but it's beginning to show it's age now.
4. Fallout 3
There are not enough good non-fantasy RPGs in my opinion but Fallout 3 is one great example. I'd not heard of the Fallout series until the first trailer for Fallout 3 was released. I thought it looked very interesting so I bought and played Fallout 1 & 2 right away. I was hooked from the start. Fallout 1 was the best of the two but it's first impressions that count. I've still only played though Fallout 3 the once but it's a huge game that takes a long time. Based on the same engine as Oblivion this is another one which looks awesome (screenshots). The whole concept of a post-apocalyptic fifties is a brilliant setting. Now I just have to wait for Fallout: New Vegas.
3. Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age is completely new IP but it's one I expect is going to be with us for a long time. Bioware have taken all the best elements of other games (many of which are their own) and managed to put them all together in one place while keeping it all balanced. Graphics, game play, story, characters, I don't really have anything bad to say about them at all. The one thing that keeps this game off the top spot is it's yet another fantasy RPG. Which means the top spots go to...
2. Mass Effect 2
I talked a lot about this one yesterday but I'll cover the basics again. This is probably the best looking game I've ever played (screenshots) though you have to take into account that it's also one of the most recent. The one thing that isn't an improvement on it's predecessor is the story, which didn't feel quite as coherent.
1. Mass Effect
When Mass Effect came out it had many innovations and was a brand new non-fantasy setting. It was everything I was looking for. The 7 month wait for the PC version due to the Xbox360 exclusive was a bit annoying, but at least that trend seems to have stopped now. You got to be commander of a starship visiting planets and shooting up aliens. The graphics were great though less impressive now compared to Mass Effect 2. The new conversation system was inspired and had excellent voice acting to go with it. It had real-time combat system which was intuitive but not too simple and an excellent range of powers and weapons. Memorable characters and an involving story helped to immerse you in this new and rich universe. Salarians, Asari, Turians and many other aliens all with their own culture and back story, there's a lot of information. As Bioware say they have a trilogy planned I suspect over time that these games will start to be considered as one and when people replay them in ten years time they'll play all three together as a single story.
10. Diablo 2

9. The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

8. Neverwinter Nights 2

7. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

6. Knights of the Old Republic

5. Neverwinter Nights

4. Fallout 3

3. Dragon Age: Origins

2. Mass Effect 2

1. Mass Effect

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Mass Effect 2

My first play though followed the full paragon path, so this time I'm playing with my full renegade Shepherd. In some games I don't have as much fun playing the "evil" path. I always feel bad when I'm mean and nasty to people. I suppose I'm projecting myself into the character too much rather than playing the role. However in Mass Effect the paragon/renegade system works much better than a straight good/evil one. It's all far less black and white decision making and so the alternate path I personally find much more enjoyable, much more than Knights of the Old Republic for example where I always prefer to play light rather than dark. Really there's more than just two ways to play but this should give you the basic idea.
The big question is, is it better than Mass Effect 1? That's a really tough choice. Overall I have to say I think not. The graphics are a huge improvement, Unreal Engine 3 does wonders for the Mass Effect universe. The game play is improved along with the controls and interface. The one exception being the addition of ammo which was not necessary. It also suffers a little (on PC) for the fact it's obviously been designed with consoles in mind first and PCs second. It's a shame but the biggest problems are with the story. While still good it's not as great as the first. This one feels much more disjointed, like lots of smaller unrelated stories rather than one grand tale. It's a close call but all that gives Mass Effect 1 the edge over 2.
Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Can I have my bases back please?

I've been thinking about this for a while and after playing some Cnc4 it's come to mind again. The simplification of real time strategy games is a problem which needs to be addressed and sooner rather than later. I found this article on the subject (http://www.digitalbattle.com/2010/03/27/old-school-rts-games-are-a-dying-breed/) and that pretty much covers all the issues. With the exception of Starcraft 2 there are no current or forthcoming RTS games that include the core concepts of base building and resource management. All the most recent games seem to only be focusing on the combat, which for me is not enough. The challenge of micro managing everything is part of the enjoyment. There has to be a developer out there who understands this. I think the timing is perfect for a brand new franchise, all the sequels at the moment are just not cutting it. Hopefully someone out there is working on something in secret and details will be released soon.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tiberian Twilight

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010
Duke Nukem Forever

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Just Cause 2

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Silence will Fall

Friday, April 2, 2010
Steam Powered

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Jennifer's Body

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