Saturday, December 31, 2011
I actually went back to see what I had written about 2010 before I started on this post. I feel like a lot of what I said still applies. There were good points during the year but for the most part it seems to have slipped away unnoticed and uneventful. The middle third of the year could have not existed and the result would have been much the same. At the beginning of the year I made various plans and I failed at nearly all of them. There were different degrees of failure but overall I would not call 2011 a success by any definition. I'm not sad or depressed about that. Perhaps just a little disappointed with myself. Definitly room for improvments in 2012.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Silent Running

Thursday, December 29, 2011
The idea of home is a rather odd concept. Spending a week at my parents house for Christmas feels like home, but really I've never actually lived at that house. I have my own flat in Sheffield which is my own home. So I've been home for Christmas and I've also just come home after my Christmas holiday. So where is home? I guess you can have more than one.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
End of Christmas
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Movie Music
I've said it before but I really enjoy live music. However I've never actually been to anything other than rock/metal concerts. This evening was time for something different though. Tonight I saw the Manchester Concert Orchestra along with conductor Paul Bateman playing classic film themes. It was a great evening featuring lots of great music from Gone With The Wind all the way to Lord of the Rings. I had a good time even if it is a little bit odd to have a concert where you sit down and be quiet!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Oh Christmas Tree
Had a little play with my camera and my parent's Christmas Tree. I don't have my Picasa here with me so you'll have to have an Imgur album instead. Some turned out better than others, have a look here:
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Something happened today which has never happened to me before, that I'm aware of. Someone seems to have stolen something I posted online and then presented it as their own. Of course it's only a silly GIF on Tumbr and not important I was just a little shocked that someone would consider that, particularly a Nerdfighter. These things happen unfortunately and perhaps it was a mistake, but I think that's unlikely considering how easy it is to reblog things on Tumblr. And of course the copy is getting was more attention than my original post. Not very Christmassy, ah well nevermind.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Hobbit on Location
As an early Christmas present after the excellent new trailer we have The Hobbit production vlog number five, now filming on location around New Zealand. Lots and lots of trucks and Hobbiton is back.
Watch on Facebook here:!/photo.php?v=10150554790416807
Watch on Facebook here:!/photo.php?v=10150554790416807
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Books vs Film
There are only a few films adapted from books where I have read the book and seen the film. Technically the count is 12 but it feels more like 3 as 8 are Harry Potter, 3 are Lord of the Rings and the other one of Where Eagles Dare. When The Hobbit is release that will be another 2 and if the film version of Foundation goes ahead that will be another one. I also have a copy of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep but I've not read that yet. So for now it's just twelve. The thing is, contrary to popular theory for Lord of the Rings and Where Eagles Dare I kinda prefer the films over the books. Reading Where Eagle Dare I could never quite grasp who each character was and constantly got them mixed up. It was much easier seeing distinct actors in each role. Although I was a lot younger when I read that. The Lord of the Rings books are great but the films just seem to be even greater. The story seems much straighter flows better in the films (extended). The books tend to get a little slow and off track at times.
Now perhaps it's due to how soon I watched the films after finishing the books but I did not feel the same for Harry Potter. For those I thought the books to be infinitely greater with the possible exception of Deathly Hallows Part 1 oddly enough. There were so many little details missing from the films that I found myself wondering how someone who had not read the books would understand. However my main problem was with characters. The core of the cast was okay, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Draco, Dumbledore, Snape and Sirius were all fine because I knew which actors where playing them before reading the books. However many of the other characters didn't meet the expectations I had in my mind, mostly the Weasleys in particular Arthur, Molly, Fred & George. Also how can you leave Bill out completely until the Deathly Hallows when he's the best Weasley.
Now for why Deathly Hallows Part 1 was better than the book for me. I think it's simply that in my mind all the various forest locations looked fairly similar and it didn't feel like they were getting anywhere particularly quickly. However in the films they've sped things up considerably and found lots of the lovely looking locations to shoot in. In general I did feel that Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2 were the best of the films. I wonder if that's because the extra length allowed them to fit more of the book in or if the VFX were more matured or if the acting was better as everyone has gotten older? Probably a little of each.
That's my Harry Potter marathon completed now though and it has left me as a fan.
Now perhaps it's due to how soon I watched the films after finishing the books but I did not feel the same for Harry Potter. For those I thought the books to be infinitely greater with the possible exception of Deathly Hallows Part 1 oddly enough. There were so many little details missing from the films that I found myself wondering how someone who had not read the books would understand. However my main problem was with characters. The core of the cast was okay, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Draco, Dumbledore, Snape and Sirius were all fine because I knew which actors where playing them before reading the books. However many of the other characters didn't meet the expectations I had in my mind, mostly the Weasleys in particular Arthur, Molly, Fred & George. Also how can you leave Bill out completely until the Deathly Hallows when he's the best Weasley.
Now for why Deathly Hallows Part 1 was better than the book for me. I think it's simply that in my mind all the various forest locations looked fairly similar and it didn't feel like they were getting anywhere particularly quickly. However in the films they've sped things up considerably and found lots of the lovely looking locations to shoot in. In general I did feel that Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2 were the best of the films. I wonder if that's because the extra length allowed them to fit more of the book in or if the VFX were more matured or if the acting was better as everyone has gotten older? Probably a little of each.
That's my Harry Potter marathon completed now though and it has left me as a fan.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Hobbit
Only one important thing to mention today. The first trailer for The Hobbit Part One! Less than a year to go!
Watch here:
Watch here:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Deathly Hallows

Monday, December 19, 2011
So Many Words
If you'd told me two years ago how many words I would be writing per week now I would have laughed! First there is a blog post every day. Then there is a weekly column on new releases for a DVD collector forum and now I've got my video blogs going properly. I don't know if you get tell but the video blogs are generally scripted in advance. Even with all that I still can't seem to convince myself that I'm actually any good at it and I'm constantly second guessing myself. One thing that's suffered the most from that and my busy schedule is Doon's Reviews. I haven't made anywhere near as many posts there as I had originally planned to. I think some reorganization will be needed next year, although as always the blog will stay at the core and I'm going to keep that going daily.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
And so the Project for Awesome for 2011 is over and after 24 hours of live events and video viewing over $60,000 has been raised for charity so far. It's been fun to get a few more comments on one of my videos than usual although of course that's not the reason for doing it. There is one problem though. The Project for Awesome started out essentially as an attempt to hack You Tube. At the time the main You Tube homepage showed the videos which were the most viewed and the most discussed. So an army of nerds rating and commenting on the same videos could hijack the frontpage. However since then it's become much harder as You tube has changed, especially since Google took over, to the point now that I didn't see a single P4A video featured on You Tube unless I searched for it. So it didn't seem like much of an impact was made outside the existing community who already knew what was going on. Still a record amount of money was made so that's still good, although as John Green said in one of the live streams, that's probably because over five years the Nerdfighters are getting older and getting better jobs. There's still time to pre-order John Green's exclusive P4A zombie short story for a $10 dollar donation to the the P4A fund at
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Project for Awesome 2011
It's December 17th and so today is the for the Project 4 Awesome. That the day when the You Tube community (particularly the Nerdfighters and the HP Alliance) spend 24 hours upload videos about their favourite charities, then watches, rates and comments on each other's videos to push them to the top of the charts and expose them to more people. This is the fifth year it has taken place and the second since I heard about it. It's also my first year submitting a video of my own which I think turned out reasonably well, although if I'm honest it was a little rushed. You can of course find it on my You Tube channel linked on the right. There are various live events going on to feature some of the best videos, which excludes mine of course and you can watch those on the Vlogbrothers channel. To find out more visit
Friday, December 16, 2011
Half-Blood Prince

Thursday, December 15, 2011
What films have you seen?
I came across an interesting site today. It's called iCheckMovies. It's a site which uses IMDb data and allows you to create a profile and track what films you have seen and then compare lists with other users. Sort of like a social network for film fans, you browse the lists and tick the films you have seen and it keeps track of everything for you. I'm finding it very interesting. I'm sure I've not ticked every film I've ever seen yet but I hope to get close one day. I know I'm not even close yet because my current checked count is 333 but I own over 400 DVDs and of course I've seen way more than that. Now I can find lots of interesting stats. Of the top 250 films rated on IMDb I have only seen 94. However ranked by box office rather than rating I've seen 221 of the top 454. I have seen 31 of the top 50 Sci-fi films but I've only seen 5 of the top 50 romances. And going by decades it seems the majority of high rated films I have seen are from the nineties. You can see my profile here: and add me as a friend if you like. How many films have you seen?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Jedi Consular
I decided for my first real character in The Old Republic I would re-create the same character I first played in the first test, a Twi'lek Jedi Consular. I played for quite a while last night staying up later than I really should have. It was mostly easy as I had played the majority of it before in test. Although one or two things have changed nothing major has changed in terms of story or structure. I realized if I kept going I could get to the point where you receive your first lightsaber and become a full Jedi. The game ran well and the servers were nicely populated but not too busy. That's not the same this evening after another day's worth of new players have arrived. The servers are all nearly at capacity now and there are queues to get the server. There's a 35 minute estimated wait time on a couple of the servers. Luckily it's currently less than 10 minutes on the server my character is on and that giving me time to write this post. If you'd like to see my character I made a little animated photoset for Tumblr earlier which you can see here and if you're playing the game you can join me on the Frostclaw server.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Old Republic
The saga begins. Star Wars: The Old Republic is released in stores next week on the 20th. However over the next seven days people who pre-ordered the game gets early access in waves, based on the order in which they registered their purchase. I wasn't expecting to get access on day one but I received my email about an hour ago as part of wave 4. It's a little odd that I get to play the game before the physical disks I ordered actually arrive but I guess that's part of the nature of MMOs and of course the collectors edition comes with many extras apart from the disks. So later this evening I will create my first permanent character, no more testing!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Order of the Phoenix

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Goblet of Fire

Saturday, December 10, 2011
All Gone Wrong
That's how it feels anyway. A post about the Goblet of Fire can wait till tomorrow. So many hassles and annoyances this week and I'm sure there's more to come. I've had enough for today. Computer's going off and I'm going back to the Order of the Phoenix instead I think.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Prisoner of Azkaban

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Chamber of Secrets

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Philosopher's Stone

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Harry Potter
Sorry I don't have a topic ready for this evening so I'm just going to embed my lastest video blog instead. (Not something I plan to do regularly but it will have to do for today).
Monday, December 5, 2011
Cabin in the Woods

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Oh joy. The last thing you need on a Sunday evening is signs of a hard drive failure. Now I have to make sure my backups are all up to date. There's nothing on that drive that's so important I couldn't afford to loose. Although it does contain all my MP3s. So that's been my evening. Now I have to buy a new hard drive.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Quantum of Solace

Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Not Feeling It
Some days I wonder why I make the effort to write something every day. It's good practice I guess but sometimes I feel like a day off. However after 637 consecutive days it seems a shame to break the streak. There's no real point to this post though except to explain that there's no real point to this post. So is it really worth it? I don't know. I'm just not in the mood to write anything complicated or worthwhile tonight.
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