Monday, August 8, 2011

WTF London?

I just don't get it. When is violence, theft and property damage ever the answer? I guess I'll never understand the criminal mindset. What kind of person thinks that kind of behaviour is okay? Sure it's actually only a small percentage of people but it still makes a huge impression on the news. Why are common sense and courtesy not more desired traits in people? I do wonder about the future sometimes, it's kind of bleak. Why are we not trying to better ourselves? It's also sad how much technology is being used to organize these things, surely there are better uses for the Internet! Times may be tough but we should be working to fix things not to break it down.

1 comment:

  1. It's heartbreaking, isn't it. I think you are right to call it a criminal mindset, and I can only guess that these are people who have never been taught the difference between right and wrong. There seems to be a gang mindset too, which you get with young people - young men mostly - who haven't enough individual personality or intelligence to think for themselves. It's so tragic because they above all people need structure, and they don't get it. For every middle class cleverclogs who says "We don't need to get married, it's only a piece of paper", there's another young woman on some sink estate bringing up a child on her own. We let the genie out of the bottle, and this is what comes of it.
