The Witcher is a 2007 RPG from CD Projekt RED STUDIO. It's a game I've been vaguely aware of but it's never been one that#s been high on my list of games to play. I think that's for two reasons. The first being the fact it's from a lesser known developer of which I don't have previous experience. The second reason would be some of the mediocre reviews it got at the time. However earlier in the year The Witcher 2 was release and I became slightly more interested in the series. Since the original release a new "Enhanced Edition" of the game was relase with many updates and fixes including new textures, updated UI and more animations. This is the version I am now currently playing.
So far I've played through the prologue and begun chapter one. I have to say I think I'm liking it so far. The graphics are great and the controls work well. Normally it's harder to get in to the story where the player character is fixed and you have no input in the creation. However that's been less of the case here, which is cool. It's an interesting world which is close to standard fantasy but with some interesting twists. I look forward to playing more.
Nice review, thank you - this game sounds like it was worth waiting for the better version to be released. Enjoy!