Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Game, EA & Mass Effect
It's a sad time for the British high street, when it comes to gaming in particular. There are not a lot of dedicated games retailers anymore and those who are left are struggling along on second hand trade sales. Game and also Gamestation (same parent company now) announced today that they would not be stocking any new releases from EA this month, including Mass Effect 3! This was a shock to many people like me who had pre-ordered the game from them months ago. I've always liked Game, going to their big store in Manchester was always a huge treat when I was a child. These days though most of my games are being purchased digitally and most of those through Steam. It's no surprise that this has been hurting the brick and mortar operations. So little space in this shops is given to PC games these days. The one thing that kept me coming back to Game was that they tended to manage to get UK exclusive deals for many of the fancy collectors editions that I like to buy sometimes. The Mass Effect 3 N7 edition was one of those. It seems that the struggling company simply couldn't get the credit terms they needed to buy in the stock. However EA are the biggest publishers of games with many companies under their wings. It's not just Mass Effect, this is going to hurt Game in the long run and I don't see them surviving it. On top of lost sales they've given £5 credit for each cancelled pre-order. I would not be surprised if this time next year there are no dedicated game shops on UK high streets. We'll just be left with large supermarkets and HMV. For me and Mass Effect the collectors edition exclusive has gone and it is now listed at other web shops such as Play and Zavvi. I've re-ordered from Play but it is a bit short notice when we're less than two weeks from the release date now.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012
Troll Hunter

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Catching Fire

Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is a trilogy of books by Suzanne Collins. They're young adult science fiction set a in future North America, although it's not called that anymore. Once a year as a method of keeping the people under control 24 children (between 12-18) are thrown in to a battle to the death, broadcast live on TV. This is similar to another film/novel Battle Royale from Japan. Battle Royale came first in 1999, The Hunger Games was first published in 2008. I've only seen the film Battle Royale not read the book so any comparisons I make are to the film. The thing is though, aside from the children battling to the death aspect they are quite different. The worlds in which they're set are very different or so I thought. It seems there is a large part of the Internet that disagrees with me and calls it a complete rip-off. I only found that part of the web while researching for this post though. There are plenty of people who liked the books and didn't mind and similarities, myself included. At least compared to the Battle Royale film there is one thing The Hunger Games does much better and that is it gives you a much better idea of the outside world, how it works and the reason for the games. Battle Royale takes place almost entirely in the arena but only about a third of the Hunger Games does. There's a lot more of the modern Big Brother aspect to the Hunger Games as well with more emphasis on the television broadcasts and interviews.
I found the book to be extremely compelling and got through it in only a couple of days and then went straight on to book two which I'll talk about tomorrow. Katniss is a great character and I can understand why it's become so popular. I wasn't really getting excited for the film before, but I am now. I also glad that I hadn't bothered watching the trailer before reading the books as well, although I had seen a couple of pictures, so there was nothing to taint my imagination.
Friday, February 24, 2012
At the end of last year I talked about the website iCheckMovies where you can make a list of the all films you have seen. There's a similar site, which I realize I'd heard about before but rediscovered today, where you can do the same for books. It's called Goodreads and today I created a profile for myself. I've read a lot less books than I've seen films and for the most part all of the books I've read I also own. That means that unlike iCheckMovies I'm much more certain that this is a complete list, at least since I was a teenager and not including anything I read for school or before. Only 103 books read (including graphic novels). If you'd like to see what you can find me here:
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Metal World
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Hobo With A Shotgun

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Attack The Block

Monday, February 20, 2012
So Far
Feeling a little reflective this evening so lets look at the year so far. I've had plans and goals but if I'm honest I've not been very successful with them up to this point. On the personal front there are late blogs and missed videos, while my backlogs of games and films is not getting any smaller. On the business front there has not been enough new work and existing projects are moving slowly. Overall there has been a distinct lack of organization. You have to stop and check these things if you want to make improvements so that is what today has been about.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Chell and GlaDOS
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Sheffield By Night
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
I've been a bit rubbish at keeping up with the blog this week and keep cheating. It's week like this that I should probably take some time off or something. It doesn't feel right though when I'm so close to my second anniversary of started this. Even though technically I failed my one post per day thing a long time ago by post-dating something I've done quite a few times now, but this week has been the worst. I always say I should work a day or two in advance so there's a buffer but that's easier said than done and I always end up using it up really quickly. This week has been filled with work and poor organization but that's all over with now so it's time to catch up and finally get on top of things, maybe!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Masters of Cinema
In the US there is a special collection of DVDs known as the Criterion Collection. Criterion pick the best of the best films, source the highest quality original prints to transfer, commission new and informative bonus material and generally treat film and DVD collection with as much respect as possible. The problem is with me being in the UK, all the Criterion Collection is region 1 and therefore no good to me. I don't like to faff about with multi-region players, my entire collection is region 2. However I recently found out that there is a company in London who do similar things in region 2, Eureka's Masters of Cinema series. I actually already posted about one of these back in December (Silent Running) but I never talked about the rest of the series. I picked up Silent Running and Metropolis simply as a science fiction fan but I was hugely impressed by the quality of the film transfers, the extras and the packaging that I decided I wanted to know more. There are quite a few gaps in my film knowledge outside my sci-fi/fantasy/horror comfort zone. I now intend to use the series to learn about films I would probably have otherwise never seen. They obviously know what they're talking about and pick great and influential films for good reasons. I think that (eventually) I will attempt to complete the series. So since December I have picked up some more, I now have 7 out of 46. You can see some pictures here which were originally posted on a DVD collection forum I frequent.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Today the demo for Mass Effect 3 was released. A lot of people were excited but personally I've not bothered to play it. I don't need convincing to buy the game, I already pre-ordered months ago. Also I don't want to get in to the game only to have it end after two hours. I will just waiting until March 9th and play the full game. This did remind me of something else I was going to mention though and the the forth Mass Effect tie-in novel, Deception. I've not bought this either and this time that turns out to be a good thing. A new writer was brought on board for this one and it seems that he doesn't have the same love and attention for the Mass Effect universe as the previous writer. Some people are also calling his writing plain horrible, but I've not read it so I won't go that far. The book is apparently full of inconsistencies compared the the games and the other books. No continuity, incorrect character traits and apparently a story that doesn't even make much sense on its own. The fans have been in uproar, so much so that BioWare have stated they are going to have the book rewritten and republished. I don't think I've ever heard of anything like that before. Poor William C. Dietz I wonder what he's thinking now. He probably thought he had quick and easy video game tie-in job, something he's done a lot of before (for Halo, Resistance and even Star Wars) and now he's the subject of Internet hatred. Part of me still wants to buy the book to see how bad it is and how it compares when its re-released.
Monday, February 13, 2012
So Behind
Weekend editing took far longer than I had originally planned and I'm behind on a lot of things now including blog posts. So no full post today instead I recommend you watch the trailer for the new film Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, which is a very silly concept but it looks great!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Normally I would be editing a video for my You Tube this evening but unfortunately, although I have a plan I have not had time tor record anything yet. I'm still editing though, however it's a last minute work related video instead which is far less interesting to you. I'm not going to wait until next Sunday to record the next You Tube video though as there's already a plan for that one too. I'll will catch up during the week sometime although at this point I don't know exactly when that will be.
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012
More Magic
I've been playing more Magic The Gathering recently and I hope to do more in the future. With that in mind I recently bought some new cards. Also I've started cataloging them in an online database, so now you can view some of my collection online here:
I've not added them all yet but one thing I found interesting it how much value they still have second hand, there's almost no depreciation. Sure a lot of them are only worth a few cents but there are others worth $7 or more. Overall they're still worth as much as I paid for them. Although that's an estimate as I don't know an exact value because I've still not input all my cards. Also of course I'm sure the market fluctuates. I'm not actually planning to sell my cards but it's interesting to know. I guess that's one of the benefits of Magic being the most popular trading card game.
I've not added them all yet but one thing I found interesting it how much value they still have second hand, there's almost no depreciation. Sure a lot of them are only worth a few cents but there are others worth $7 or more. Overall they're still worth as much as I paid for them. Although that's an estimate as I don't know an exact value because I've still not input all my cards. Also of course I'm sure the market fluctuates. I'm not actually planning to sell my cards but it's interesting to know. I guess that's one of the benefits of Magic being the most popular trading card game.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Sunrise at the Old Man of Storr
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Skyrim Creation Kit
A lot of people have been waiting for these and now they are available, mod tools for Skyrim. The Skyrim Creation Kit can now be downloaded from Steam, it's in the Tools section if you can't find it, I couldn't find it to start with. AS you probably know I've dabbled with many game editors over the years but I've never really have a lot of experience with Bethesda's offerings. I did a little experimentation with the Morrowind editor but that was many years ago. I never did anything with the Oblivion tools as I was still mostly working with Neverwinter Nights in those days. So opening the Skyrim tools is basically a brand new experience for me. My first impression was to be completely lost. That's fairly common for a program like this so I started reading the documentation and tutorials. It didn't take too long to grasp the basics and I added a new building to the world just outside Whiterun. Nothing complicated really but an interesting experience. The only problem I had was with the 3D navigation. Unless I'm missing something it seems to be one of the worst implementations I have ever seen. If these are the tools the developers used to make the game then I'm am seriously impressed with their patience. I suppose you would get used to them but that's not something I really have the time to do right now.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Catch Up 2
It's late and I suddenly realise that I have nothing to post about here. I suck at planning sometimes. I've reviewed all of the thing and there's nothing else interesting going on here today. The Skyrim Creation Kit has just been released which I'm looking forward to trying out, but I've not had the chance yet. Perhaps we'll talk about that tomorrow.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Catch Up
I've been getting behind on quite a few things this last week, the blog included. I need some time to catch up with things so no major post today, sorry. It's been a while since I've had to do a short post about nothing like this, but sometimes you just need a day off.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Winter has finally arrived in Sheffield. I started to make a little timelapse thingy when the snow started, but the majority of it happened overnight so there's a big jump. I decided it would work best as a simple slideshow.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I've been saving this picture for a rainy day. It turns out I needed it on a snow day. It's something I've done once before in the test phases but there is no record of that. In The Old Republic I've reached the point where my character now owns his own spaceship. Of course this is slow compared to many of the people who are level 50 already but I've been playing other things too.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012
Spike: The Devil You Know

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Diary of the Dead

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