Saturday, May 28, 2011

30 Days & Almost People

I starting doing one of those silly thirty questions in thirty days things on my Tumblr account. Check it out if you want to learn some random facts and things about me. I suppose that a lot of the stuff I could just post here but Tumblr is a different style of site, so I'll leave that over there and continue as normal over here. So the other important thing today is of course, new episode of Doctor Who. The thing is it just didn't get me very excited so I don't have a lot to say about it. It wasn't terrible, it just felt a bit average. Matt Smith did do an excellent jobs as two Doctor's though. Now that we're reaching to mid point I'm starting to not like the idea of a split season, it's gone by too quickly!

1 comment:

  1. I like your Tumblr list, there are some good questions there, quite thought-provoking to answer I should think, and they will be interesting to read.
    Not seen Saturday's Doctor Who yet, but part one was a bit disappointing, in fact I was a bit bored. It just seemed to be a plot we have seen many times before, that was all.
