The CGI for Paul was not exceptional but was perfectly adequate. I think because the brain knows what you're looking at doesn't actually exist helps you to ignore any instances where things are not quite photo-real. After saying saying in my Green Hornet review that I'd not seen much of Seth Rogen now within three months I've seen him twice, although technically it was only his voice this time. He seemed to do a good job injecting some life in to a CG character.
Probably the best part of a film like this would be the many references and in-jokes from other films. There are of course the obvious nods to ET and Close Encounters but the audience I was with seemed to miss the Star Wars and Alien references and I'd bet many people younger than me have never even heard of Mac and Me.
Recommended for any sci-fi nerd, probably a bit less so for anyone else but should still be entertaining.
I was thinking that you would see this! Matt saw it too recently and liked it, and we were saying that you have to get the jokes and references, which was why I loved Hot Fuzz and he didn't, and vice versa with the Zombie one. I bet you didn't miss a thing in Paul, and by the sound of it, I'd get quite a few too - they seem to have picked fairly mainstream Sci-Fi to reference. (Btw I am very happy for all the nerds that Inception did win some Oscars, and I am looking forward to seeing that more than to The King's Speech.) Another great review!