It's hard to choose for sure but I think at the moment my favorite is X-Men 2. It's not bogged down with explaining the situation like the first film and it's not over packed with background mutants like the third.
I wonder if they'll ever make a fourth film? It's been rumoured for a long time and there are obviously plenty of stories left to tell. Although Ian Mckellen is on record as saying he think he is too old to play Magneto anymore, but of course there are plenty of other villans available such as Apocalypse or Mr Sinister. I guess that's perhaps why they're doing a prequel now instead so the role can be re-cast for someone younger. In fact Michael Fassbender is to be the new Magneto to James McAvoy as the young Professor X. Neither of the names are ones I recognized but looking at their credits I have seen both of them before. Considering X-Men: First Class is supposed to be out on June 3rd this year I'm surprised we've not seen a trailer yet.

I agree, it's hard to choose between them, isn't it? Can see why you'd have a preference for 2 though. I rather liked 1 - liked it when the action slowed down and we learned more about the school. This is a franchise where a prequel should work really well - lots of scope.