This story basically play like the opposite side of the final section of Dragon Age: Origins. Obviously there are some differences but that is the simplest way to describe it. You play as a Hurlock general as part of the attack on Denerim rather than being one of the Grey Wardens defending the city. You make your way through the city trashing stuff and slaughtering civilians following orders from the Archdemon. On your way you meet various notable characters from the main story including all the player companions and of course they all need to be killed too. Finally you're at the top of the tower and defending the Archdemon from Alistair, Morrigan, Leliana and the Dog.
Overall I enjoyed it but there are two problems. First as a nameless Darkspawn general there's no emotional connection to your avatar at all. You have no control over class or stats. Generally you play these game to be the hero but here you're just a general taking orders. The second problem is that it's a bit to easy. As you progress you get more and more Darkspawn followers assisting you. It gets to the point where they're doing most of the work for you so at that point the computer is basically playing against itself.

What this has done is get me in the mood for more Dragon Age again, so I've now started playing the Awakening expansion again. This time as my mage character.
Oh yes, that's not so good, is it? If you're playing a baddy, you want to be a real character with a name and everything, or it's not really role-playing. Much more fun to get back to your 'real' self!