Of course I'll not be going as I'm on the wrong side of the globe but it's something I might like to do one day. Still it should be an interesting week for film & TV news, also comics of course. I'm not entirely sure yet what I should be looking out for. I know there's a TRON: Legacy event and that Bioware will be showing some more Dragon Age 2 stuff but that's all I knew in advance. I've just been looking at the schedule online and there are lots of interesting looking panels. If I was actually going I've no idea what I'd actually go to see. Some tough choices to be made as you can't see everything. Instead I shall wait for the badly filmed You Tube footage of the panels to surface!
That's the trouble, isn't it, what to choose? There always seems to be so much going on. Empire always had a good review of it, maybe empireonline will too. I always liked the way it told you quirky little things that seemed to capture the atmosphere of being there, without having to go to the trouble of crossing the Atlantic!