So now I've seen the opening double episode and the one following that, what do I think? The first issue I have is with the budget which was apparently very large. However I just don't see it in the final product. I felt the set and the vehicles looked pretty flimsy. There was a nice CGI future opening but that wasn't anything above or beyond the usual TV standard, especially for a pilot. There was some nice CG shots of Terra Nova as well but they will be able to use over and over as establishing shots. So I presume most of the cost went in to the dinosaurs but I found those to be the least impressive part. They seemed particularly bad during the Rex chase part which was in daylight. They were much better at night with rain and shadows to blend with. This is something they will have to work on.
The second issue I have is with the Shannon family. I didn't really like any of them. Perhaps they will grow over time but I didn't connect with them at all. Their motivations seemed unclear and it felt like they became too important in the settlement far too quickly. I found myself far more interested in the people already living there. Commander Taylor, Lt. Washington and Skye all caught my imagination much more than any of the Shannons did.
I did generally enjoy it though. It will depend on where the focus goes. If it focuses on the Shannons and the dinosaur of the week type format it will probably lose me in the end. However if we get more on the the mystery of Taylor's son and the Sixers I think it could be okay. I'll be keeping up with this for sure but it is not vying for favourite status yet.

What a good summary. I agree, it depends where this goes. If it's not careful it could just be a soap with dinosaurs. But as you say if it goes more for mystery, with Taylor's son and the sixers and those strange rock carvings then it could be the new Lost.
ReplyDeleteBut why do they have to release all the new programmes at once? Surely they would get bigger audiences if they spread them out through the year? Seems a bit odd to me.