Day one of my film catch-up week and to begin with we've got Super 8. It was fantastic. I quickly realized that I knew extremely little about the story of the film. I'd seen the trailers of course but they were particularly vague, although they were good. I had not seen any clips nor had I read any interviews. It seems my interest in the film came simply from Abrams and Spielberg being involved and a bit of general hype. Generally I avoid spoilers, but there are many levels of that. I think the last film I saw with so little foreknowledge was the Matrix and that was twelve years ago now! If I had to describe this film quickly I think I would say it's a mix of ET, The Goonies and a dash of Cloverfield. I'm not going to say anything else about the story as I'm sure the not knowing was part of was made it so great for me. The little actors playing the kids are all great. Just like Sean Astin or Drew Barrymore in the films I compared it to, some of them will grow in to much bigger stars I'm sure. The film also looked great although Abrams still loves his lens flare. The sets were one of the best parts. I could be wrong as I was only three months old at the time this film is set but it feels very authentic to me, to the point it could have been shot as "present day" in 1979. Highly recommended.
Thank you for a great review! I had read a description of this and thought it sounded interesting, was probably going to watch it but will definitely do so now. 1979 feels like only yesterday to me, it would be nice to go back there. One thing I do know, it was a good year. It was a VERY good year! Especially May.