So we finally get an answer as too who River Song is. On Friday Steven Moffat tweeted "For all of you who keep on, yes, you will find out who River is tomorrow. Thing is though - was that what you were REALLY asking?" And that's the thing, it's an answer to one question and it probably wasn't the most important question either. We still know nothing about the Silence, who is eye patch lady and what is she up to or how is the little regenerating girl related?
Still it was a pretty good episode though. A few small issues with pacing I thought but that's often a problem with multi-part stories and they're building to a conclusion we won't see until the Autumn. I did enjoy a lot the calling in of favours at the beginning. Even though they got very little screen time overall, I found myself really liking Madame Vastra and Jenny. When the Doctor said "Until next time" to them I thought they might make good companions if the Ponds have to go. Though I suspect a full time Silurian would be hard to make work, especially in a present day Earth setting.
Now we have wait until October! I suppose spreading it out is sort of a good idea as it means there is only a five month wait rather than the usual nine, but right now I want to know what happens next.

Just watched it now, and can finish reading your post! Some great things there - Rory was particularly good, and got some great lines. Like you, I loved the calling in of favours part, just wished that had gone on longer, it could have made a whole ep. Some wonderful characters there. I see what Steven Moffat was getting at - we may know now who River Song is, but that doesn't tell us anything about what she's done/will do, or what exactly she means to the Doctor. I'm not sure I liked it, especially the implications for her relationship with Amy, a lot of which we've already seen and frankly, looking back, it just doesn't work. Still loads of unanswered questions! It's all right for you, by September, you will still be able to recall what we have already seen - not sure that I will! (As for the person I was watching with, he is baffled already.)