From my point of view this new series appeared out of nowhere. I had no idea it existed until the week it was first being shown. It's been a comic since 2007 but I'd never heard about that either. There are not many TV series that would be considered to be the horror genre and certainly none that I can think of involving zombies. The pilot episode was great. They'd obviously gone all out on the effects side of things. The story was interesting too. I've seem comparisons to 28 Days Later because of the waking alone in a hospital part but really the similarity ends there. We've got traditional slow zombies here for a start. Episode 2 was good too although on a much smaller scale, obviously not having anywhere near the same budget as the pilot. That was a lot more about meeting the characters. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest. It's a bit of a shame that it's basically only a mini-series for now (of 6 episodes). The good news is that rather than being cancelled without a chance like so many other recent programmes this has already been renewed for a second half season (13 episodes).
How lovely to find something new that you like, that's a nice bit of serendipity. Very good that it's already been granted a second half-season, let's hope there's plenty more. Very glad for you!