It's been a long wait but my copy of the volume seven TPB finally arrived this morning, compiling issues 31-35 and a Willow one-shot. Last time we were with the Scoobies things were not looking good with big battles taking place in Tibet and Slayers dying everywhere. Here we pick up after the battle is mostly over apart from some giant genie things. Those are taken care of pretty quickly as Buffy seems to have developed some extra superpowers. The remainder of the issues are about the identity of Twilight and the nature of the universe.
As with the majority of the series these issues are drawn by Georges Jeanty & Karl Moline and their work remains excellent. It's never going to be possible to get a 100% likeness to the original actors given the timescale these guys have to work at. However they do manage to consistently capture the essence of the characters so I never have a problem telling people apart. Some of that credit has to go to the writer too for making sure the character has the right voice. In this case it's Brad Meltzer writing the main issues, while Joss himself handled the Willow one-shot.
Brad Meltzer is not someone I've heard about before. This is his first run on the Buffy season eight comics. A quick Google search tells me he's a bestselling author and has written other comics before. I guess he's a fan if he took the job in the first place and he seems to know the characters and back story well.

I'm still enjoying the series and am looking forward to the next one, it's just a shame that won't be until next year!
Sounds like a great deal of care and attention has gone into it - not to mention humour! Glad it was worth waiting for.