Coming on September 7th are two new DLC add-ons for two of my favorite games. First is
Witch Hunt which will be the final add-on for Dragon Age: Origins before Dragon Age II comes out. It will conclude the biggest hanging plot line left from the main game and I'm definitely looking forward to it. I still need to play two of the other DLC stories, Leliana's Song and Golems of Amgarrak so I think next month's gaming will be heavy on Dragon Age.

The second one, coming out on the same day is
Lair of the Shadowbroker for Mass Effect 2. This is a storyline I wasn't expecting to visit again until Mass Effect 3 but I'm just as glad to have it now instead. That will hopefully mean that Liara's story will leave her free to join the team again in ME3 rather than being tied up in her Shadowbroker investigations anymore. I've got an unfinished second play though that's in the perfect place to install this add-on. September is going to be a busy Bioware month!
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