Series 5/Series 31 of Doctor Who has come to an end and overall I'd say that it has been a brilliant year. Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Steven Moffat have taken the series to a whole new level and made it their own while still making it feel like a continuation. As much as I enjoyed the Russell T Davies years it was Moffat's episodes during that time which stick out as favorites. So now with him in overall control the show feels a lot more consistent to me. Watching some of the behind the scenes stuff you can see that Smith and Gillan are having a huge amount of fun on set and really enjoying the process, much more than David Tennant or Christopher Eccleston did and I think that shows though. Doctor Who is at a high in the public consciousness at the moment and if the current quality continues it probably will be for a while. When people look back at the classic series at lot of attention goes to Tom Baker and Sarah Jane. When people look back in another 30 years I wouldn't be surprised if it's Matt Smith and Amy Pond we've thinking about not Tennant and Rose. Tonight's finale was great with lots of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff which is one of my favorite aspects and one Steven Moffat does really well. Still we know nothing of The Silence but apparently that will be next year. Now we just have to wait until Christmas for the next special.
I agree about the consistency, this series has felt like one long story, with everything interconnecting. Very nice how it cleared some things up and left others open, and there was some very fine acting in this last ep. Steven Moffat has done a fine job, and the 'time management' was great! Not completely sure about Matt Smith like you are - he's great, but during the 'rewinding' bit, part of me was imagining how David Tennant might have handled it. Christmas Special sounds fun - not the Titanic in space, but the Orient Express - I bet that's full of Agatha Christie references again. But I really enjoyed this final ep, always nice to spend time in the BM!